Sensible Concrete News

Benefits of Concrete Foundations

Let’s Talk Foundations  

Benefits of Concrete Foundations Sensible Concrete wants to be your residential concrete company!  We like to be thought of as not only the best concrete company due to our experience and reputation, but because we genuinely like to help our clients by giving them the best and most helpful information about their new home. It’s complicated!  There are just so many things that go into building a home!  

Concrete Foundations

Most people think there are only two types of foundations for a home; concrete slab or block.  There are actually 8 different types of home foundations, with the primary 5 being:

Poured concrete slab, wood foundation, stone foundation, concrete masonry units [blocks], and concrete panels [pre-poured, specific sizes].  But today, we are going to discuss why the predominant percentage of homeowners and builders of residential homes choose poured concrete slab foundations.  There are many excellent reasons!

First, many things factor into what kind of foundation a residential home should be built upon.  Most important to consider is the design of the house, its geographical location, the climate, soil and moisture conditions, and last, but not least, the budget!

Speaking of budget, one of the advantages of a concrete slab foundation is it takes less time for a slab to be poured and dry. That means there is less downtime for the construction crew as there is no need to wait several days for the concrete in a poured foundation to cure and dry!  Time is money!  Thousands of dollars can be saved in your budget!

Second, poured concrete foundations are stronger, drier, and more efficient. They are virtually maintenance-free due to their resistance to rot and decay, and concrete has an exceptionally long life span.  Because there are no grooves or wooden joints in a concrete slab foundation like there are in other types of foundations, there is not only greater protection from water leakage or gas leaks, like radon, from seeping into the house, but there is protection from termites and other insects getting a foothold in your home.  

And finally, concrete slabs are naturally fire resistant, and actually help contain the spread of fire throughout a home. This advantage can allow your family more time to safely evacuate the structure should this tragedy occur..

To sum up the advantages and benefits of a poured concrete slab over other types of foundations, they are good for the overall budget, and they make for a safer home by protecting against insects, gas leaks, water damage, and fires. 

Sensible Concrete would like to be your residential concrete company and has many more helpful tips for home builders! Be sure to regularly check our blogs for more interesting, cost-saving tips!