Sensible Concrete News

How To Melt Ice on Driveways, Sidewalks, and Entryways

During the winter, ice that builds up on driveways, sidewalks, and entryways can make them dangerous for both cars and people. Melted ice can refreeze and make black ice, which is even more dangerous. At Sensible Concrete Works LLC, we know how important it is to keep things safe in the winter. In this blog, we’ll talk about how to get rid of ice on driveways, sidewalks, and front doors.

Step 1: Clear away any snow and loose ice.

Before you can start melting the ice, you need to clear away any snow and loose ice from the surface. Use a shovel or snowblower to get rid of as much snow as you can. Then, use an ice scraper or chisel to get rid of any ice that’s left.

Step 2: Pick the right ice-melt product.

There are many different kinds of ice melt, such as rock salt, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride. Each type has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to pick the right one for your situation. The most common way to melt ice is with rock salt, but it can damage concrete and plants. Calcium chloride works better at lower temperatures and doesn’t hurt concrete, but it can cost more. Magnesium chloride is safe for the environment and won’t hurt concrete, but it may not work as well when the temperature is lower.

Step 3: Apply the ice melt

Once you’ve chosen the right ice melter, it’s time to put it on the surface. Wear gloves and safety glasses to keep your skin and eyes from getting irritated. Follow the directions on the package to find out how much to use per square foot. Use a shovel or spreader to spread the ice melt evenly over the surface. Make sure not to use too much, because too much ice melt can hurt concrete and plants.

Step 4: Let the ice melt do its job.

After you put the ice melt on, it may take a while for it to start working. Have patience and wait for the ice to start melting. Don’t walk or drive on the surface until the ice has completely melted and the surface is dry.

Step 5: Clean up

After the ice has melted, use a broom or shovel to clean up any leftover ice melt. Ice melt should be thrown away properly because it can hurt pets and wild animals.

In conclusion, melting ice on driveways, sidewalks, and entryways is an important part of maintaining safe conditions during the winter months. At Sensible Concrete Works LLC, we offer snow and ice removal services to help keep your property safe and accessible. Contact us today to learn more about our services.