We had the pleasure of hosting a Meet and Greet for Timothy Hill, a conservative candidate running for Congress.
We got to enjoy pizza and cake, activities for the kids, coffee and social time to share ideas and ask questions of Mr. Hill and get to know him. In our blog here, we’d like to invite you to get to know him as well. Here is an introduction to Timothy Hill per his website:
“I have served Sullivan, Carter, and Johnson Counties for eight years fighting for our conservative values โ The right to life, our Second Amendment rights, balanced budgets, and smaller government. Now, I want to take the fight to Washington DC. If you are looking for the proven conservative and 100% ally of President Trump, I need your vote!
I donโt for one second believe that politicians know how to better run our lives than we ourselves do. What do I believe? I believe that the best government is one which governs least; and I believe that our rights come from God, not politicians. Itโs time the political class learn to live by these two very simple ideas. I believe it is important for people to have the freedom to worship as their conscience dictates, and I will fight to protect this freedom.
Thank you for taking the time to support our campaign. I cannot begin to tell you how much your commitment means!”
Get to know more on Timothy Hill at https://www.timothyhillforcongress.com/.