How To Melt Ice on Driveways, Sidewalks, and Entryways

During the winter, ice that builds up on driveways, sidewalks, and entryways can make them dangerous for both cars and people. Melted ice can refreeze and make black ice, which is even more dangerous. At Sensible Concrete Works LLC, we know how important it is to keep things safe in the winter. In this blog, […]
Attaching Turf To Concrete Surface

This blog is based on the expectation of attaching turf to concrete surface for the purpose of temporarily decorating for an event, NOT a landscaping solution. Event turf runners are so lightweight and portable it makes decorating so easy anywhere you’d like the look of real grass without the dirt! They can be used to […]
Types of Rebar and Other Supports

One of the best companies for both commercial and residential concrete work is Sensible Concrete Works LLC. Rebar and other support materials are used to achieve reinforcement, which is one of the most crucial aspects of any concrete project. We’ll talk about the various rebar types and other supports that are frequently used in residential […]
Repurposing Concrete

Concrete can be reused in creative ways, which is the pinnacle of sustainable design. Although it’s most commonly employed in building construction, concrete’s durability and longevity make it suitable for a variety of other applications as well. Reusing concrete in new applications is a fantastic method to breathe new life into obsolete resources and support […]
Graffiti Removal & Surface Protection

It’s disgusting, insulting, and infuriating. You walk out of your home one morning to find graffiti all over your sidewalk or concrete driveway. Or you arrive at work only to discover the concrete parking lot, or even your actual building has been attacked by vandals, trying to pass as artists. Ugh. Graffiti Removal & Surface […]
Polished Concrete Floors Explained

Welcome to our in-depth guide to polished concrete, the remarkable flooring option that transforms your spaces by fusing beauty and toughness. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of polished concrete and examine its advantages over other flooring options as well as how to install it and maintain it.
Concrete Pumping Can Help Create Beautiful Colored Driveways

One of the best options for adding interest and color to the outside appearance of your home is a beautiful colored driveway! Why? Because they are designed to be a colorful change of pace; an interesting addition to your property that is easily noticed and appreciated over the usual cold, gray, concrete slabs that most […]

It is Winter in East Tennessee. You need a driveway or concrete slab poured now. But, can concrete be poured in winter with any guarantee of success? Yep. If certain precautions are taken along with consideration of weather conditions, concrete can be poured in the winter. Well, probably not in Alaska…. but, hey, we are […]
Concrete Contractors: Why You Should Consider These Experts

Sensible Concrete knows there are many competent Do-It-Your-Selfers (DIY) that do complicated projects around their home with spectacular results. However, pouring concrete driveways is not usually in their repertoire. Good News! You don’t have to go it alone!! Let the experts at Sensible Concrete, the best residential concrete company in East Tennessee, pour your driveway! […]

Can I pour concrete over existing concrete??? With good care, your residential home’s concrete driveway or patio will last for many, many years. But, alas, eventually, it WILL wear out. Then comes decision time: repair it, or replace it. Many people prefer to just add another concrete layer over the old one instead of digging […]